Made in Heaven

What if I told you my mom heard a voice from heaven tell her to marry my dad? Mmhmm, you might think, with understandable cynicism, because people make all kinds of interesting claims. Well, in honor of the Valentine season and my parent’s recent 40 year anniversary, I’ve decided to tell their story. Whether you

Behind Whitewashed Walls [or God’s Destructive Mercy]

Some friends of mine bought a house – a sweet, move-in ready home, needing just a tweak or two for style. However, small tasks turned into an enormous project as they slowly discovered that there was mold in their house from top to bottom, hidden behind those pretty, freshly painted walls. So instead of decorating

How Does Love Grow [Up]?

New lovers often ask ‘how do we keep our love just like this?’ Hand in hand with soaring emotions and high hopes they look upon the wreckages and wraith-like existences of loves gone before and wonder how to avoid such a fate. We want to maintain, keep, hold on to what we have. But perhaps

Sorry to keep you waiting

“I understand that” she said, “but I’ve been waiting too long.” An oppressive quiet had settled on the department, even in the midst of usual busyness. The chatter and joking that usually fill the margins of our work was absent. Behind the pulled curtain a battle waged for the life of a perfect, chubby legged

Tunnel Vision (in Nursing and Life)

 All you can see is what’s directly in front of you – everything in the periphery, no matter how important, is merely a blur.  Tunnel vision is a common plague for new nurses. You are so new, overwhelmed, inexperienced, terrified… that sometimes all you are able to focus on is the basic tasks. Everything else, no