The Road Worth Traveling

Love can be a long road. We start it with such fervor, idealism and a touch or two of magical thinking, but we’re so human. To love someone well is much more than attraction and excitement and romance. We disappoint each other, confuse each other, and frustrate each other. Our vision is wonky. We see

Help me help you: tips for getting through an ER visit

There’s something you should know. Hospitals are dangerous. Now I’m not saying my hospital is dangerous, but that hospitals in general are. How can a place with so many well educated, well meaning people with access to some of the best science and technology our time has to offer and with so many regulatory bodies

Dark Suitor

Depression is courting With dark, empty eyes- A curious wooing, This sinking inside. So hard to resist. So easy to kiss, And sink into arms Of dreary bleakness. Sometimes joy is a choice And even a fight As rising is Day And sinking is Night. Don’t be won over By sighing and tears, Depression’s a

Blessed Are The Merciful

The alcohol on his breath was as stale as his manners. A hardened Vietnam vet with a serious drinking problem, he was now balanced precariously on the edge of extremely sick with probable internal bleeding. His belly was bloated and his skin a tell tale yellow. Despite his desperate condition, he was mad as hell

The Visitors: An Allegory

Once there was a boy who lived happily in his home with his friends: Love, Peace, and Joy. He didn’t know where they were from, or how they got there, but he couldn’t remember a time without them. As the boy got older, a visitor came to call. His name was Vanity. His friends voiced