
What would it feel like to live life without feeling the need to prove your significance? Because don’t we all feel it? That nagging need to feel important, to have our value affirmed by the people around us… Isn’t that where comparison and jealousy and pride come from?  If my value is based on my

Glimmers of Hope And A Journey Wrapped in Love

She spoke softly and hesitantly as I worked through my list of triage questions. We reviewed her medical history and I discovered she’d had a heart attack with full cardiac arrest. I stared at her young face. “You’re too young to have this history!” I exclaimed. She nodded, and in her quiet voice told me

Into The Dark

Perhaps I’m a little slow on the uptake. I just never understood why we hunted eggs in Spring or put skeletons everywhere in Fall. Like most kids I just went along with the fun because… well, candy. But as I’ve gotten older I’m realizing the connection with these mosaic holidays and Earth’s rhythms. As life

Those Who Hear Voices

In a previous post, I told the story of my mom hearing a voice that told her to marry my dad, a little over 40 years ago. This is not a unique experience to my mom. I’ve been thinking about this lately, and remembering the people I’ve met and the stories I’ve heard recounting “hearing


He wraps defiance around himself like a blanket- Pulls it over his head so he can’t see the monsters. Anger feels better than fear. He doesn’t want to leave, but not because he wants to stay. He yells and curses and fronts because he doesn’t want to feel it. The truth. That’s he’s alone. ‘How