The Gift of a Good Man’s Funeral

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12

The conclusion of a good person’s life will always be marked with deep sadness, as the gifts their lives gave ache in their absence. But in the process of celebrating the life they lived, we’re given another gift.

This weekend I attended the funeral of a good man, as our pastor was recently welcomed home to the Father. His memorial recounted lives touched, hardships overcome, a calling fully lived, and a family well loved. Pastor Art gave my family a lot in his life; through teaching, wisdom and council, given personally and collectively.

This is what his funeral gave me:

  • The reminder to number my days. The Bible often reminds us that our lives are like vapors, here one day, gone the next. Nothing makes us stop and remember our mortality like the funeral of someone who felt like a fixture. Nobody lives a life so well that it doesn’t eventually fill its time. Don’t be caught in the trap of assuming plenty of time.
  • The conviction of using the gift of my remaining time well. When you celebrate someone whose life made such an impact, it inspires you to live better. To stop kicking around in meaningless pursuits, and to press in. To press in to love, to purpose, to Jesus. Their life leaves an echo – encouraging you to run the race as they did.

What a beautiful thing to cross the finish line as he did – torch lit, heart full of love and faith and gratitude. May we heed his echo and do likewise.