When Beauty Fades

Aging, like death, is a reality we are all aware of. 

We are aware, and yet still it’s surprising. 

Not yet! We cry to the mirror as it reveals new age lines.

Surely, not yet!

I suppose I’m experiencing what many have before me,

While eyeing the ever-nearing arrival of middle age.

The shock of aging-

that perpetuator of crises…

Even if beauty was never your chief virtue,

it’s still disappointing when it starts to fade.

Is it a wonder we invest so heavily to slow it down…

even a little.

An ancient proverb comes to mind.

“Charm will deceive you, beauty will leave you-

But fearing the Lord will establish you.”

‘Fear of the Lord’ speaks of character –

The right ordering of things in one’s life and affections.

So as I grumble over crow’s feet and wrinkles,

I think of the women who inspire me.

Who represent my hopes for my own life.

They are generous, brave, hospitable, and wise.

Age has visited them, yet they are so beautiful to me.

And so, slowly… I return youth and beauty to their place,

Far below wisdom, generosity, joy, and courage.

These traits always age well,

Unlike skin.

As I face new reminders that beauty is indeed fleeting,

May I also remember to develop the character

And beauty of the soul that are not.

“Though outwardly we are wasting away,

Inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

But I’m still buying eye cream.