Shame and Redemption

On the individual level, shame has been recognized as a toxic emotion. People have been encouraged to throw off shame and to accept and embrace themselves. People in the LGBTQ community, tired of living under the banner of shame, reject it with great fanfare at the Pride parades. Pride is the opposite of shame. On

The Promise of Advent

Advent. It’s a season full of rich symbolism and a message of deep, resounding hope for humanity. And it comes at just the right time – right in the middle of the darkest part of the year.  The days are short and there never seems to be quite enough light – especially if, like me,

Rules of Power

I didn’t expect her answer. I’d made a habit of asking my elderly patients and their spouses how long they’ve been married and what their secret to a long marriage is. Generally the answers are sweet, thoughtful, or a little cliche. Her’s was none of those things. Her husband of decades was lying in the

The Stuff of Joy

I was always taught that joy is distinct from happiness. That happiness is dependent on circumstances, while joy is something deeper, something even learned and cultivated. It’s less a reaction than a way of being. I’ve spent more time meditating on the concept of joy, having reread the autobiography of CS Lewis called “Surprised by

The Color White: A Poem for the 9s

If I were a color I would be white. But the question is – Am I surface Or am I light? The presence or absence of color? A blank slate – Or waves in need of a prism for sight? Am I everything? Or nothing at all… You can tell me anything, Your thoughts are