Do No Harm

There’s this thin line in healthcare. On one side is the necessary pain or discomfort that comes along with tests and treatments aimed at improved health and well being. Much of healthcare is invasive, humiliating or painful – but people will agree to it because of its role in restoring or protecting our most valuable


I remember it clearly. I was sitting with my friends and our larger Christian college group at a NMSU Aggies homecoming game. Two students from our group had just won Homecoming queen and king and we were all clapping and cheering the pronouncement. All of a sudden one of our student leaders started a loud

Gardens in the Desert

Sometimes I feel like God has tasked me with planting gardens in the desert. The ground is hard, the climate harsh, and my efforts seem to produce very little. I look out at the desolate landscapes I’ve worked for years and I feel discouraged. Some time ago, the oft parched New Mexico from which I

Face in the Mirror

Some time ago I got a haircut. My hairdresser styled it and I must say, it looked pretty good. So I did what modern girls do when they get a haircut and it looks pretty good – I took a picture and posted it on facebook. People liked it and that made me feel good.