Now Is The Time

Now is the time for Courage


If we are never given something to fear we are never given the opportunity to rise up and meet it with courage. Generations are defined by their response to great challenges, let ours be defined by our courage.

Now is the time for Hope

Fear or despair may be logical reactions but they are not helpful ones. Struggle and challenge and disruption can be catalysts for the best of humanity to emerge. Opportunities for us to learn, adapt, and improve. A chance for us to be stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

Now is the time for Creativity


The status quo has been disrupted. Things we took for granted have been taken away. But we are a creative and innovative people. We will find new ways forward. We will think outside the box. We’ll discover beauty we didn’t know existed in the ashes of what was.

Now is the time for Faith

Immense challenges have come upon people of all generations, and in all generations, even when it seemed impossible, people have responded with faith. Faith that suffering isn’t the end of the story. Faith that the pain of the fire will refine us from the things that polluted us and help us become pure. Faith that the God who sees – who suffered with and for us on the cross- is working things for good.

Now is the time for Love


Now is the time to be present. To fully be with our spouses and children – resisting the temptations of irritability and selfishness. Now is the time for words of encouragement, courage, and affirmation. The time for support and solidarity.

Anxiety, uncertainty, anger, blame… are all understandable. But they can be harmful. As the children’s book ‘What do you do with a Problem?‘ sagely demonstrates – you discover your problem holds an opportunity and you tackle it head on.

Now is the time.