Category: ER Nurse

God’s Waiting Room

I hate waiting. Don’t we all? In my time as an ER nurse I’ve spent thousands of hours amid the languishing throngs of the waiting room. There are few places quite as miserable as an ER waiting room. On busy nights the wait times stretch to hours as people pack together with their misery. Moaning,

Violence in the ER: Part of the Job?

When I was a new bright-eyed and idealistic nurse, I imagined a future full of connecting with people at their moments of greatest need. To be sure, there have been many brights spots in my career where this has been the case. Nursing can be beautiful and rewarding. What I didn’t know was that it

Now Is The Time

Now is the time for Courage If we are never given something to fear we are never given the opportunity to rise up and meet it with courage. Generations are defined by their response to great challenges, let ours be defined by our courage. Now is the time for Hope Fear or despair may be

Missing Normal: A Lenton Fast of Pandemic Proportions

Normal: the usual, average, expected, or typical state or condition It’s hard to believe that only 7 days ago my kids were still in school and we could still go out to eat. Suddenly things are moving from expected to uncertain, from average to unprecedented, from usual to strange, with no firm date on when

Help me help you: tips for getting through an ER visit

There’s something you should know. Hospitals are dangerous. Now I’m not saying my hospital is dangerous, but that hospitals in general are. How can a place with so many well educated, well meaning people with access to some of the best science and technology our time has to offer and with so many regulatory bodies